
Instagrammer, YouTuber, Influencer, Podcaster, Graphic Artist, Instagrammer, YouTuber, Journalist, TikTokker, Influencer, Podcaster
<5K followers including cannabis consumers, cannabis businesses, people who are new to cannabis, women 21-30, women 30-45, women 50+, BIPOC, Moms, Women, Creators, Millennials, GenX, GenZ

My name is Amber Tiller, 27, and I love to blow down ! I established House of Flowers Corp. to support my girls during their downtime and share some fun goodies.

Experimentation and Reviews - Stoners are innovators. Most of my content consists of me testing other stoner theories, product/Strain reviews, and giving advice to any

I work hard to make sure my content reflect the most positive, creative and relatable situations a cannabis user may go through.

I promote and deliver women-owned services and/or products to my “homebodies” because I actually care about what a lady look like and how a lady is treated.

@houseflowers4.u photo

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Promotional Photograph

@houseflowers4.u by Amber

This service includes one photograph with your selected product or service. The picture will be shared across platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube. I will have the freedom to choose the set design and model.

from $25